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  • Brianna Johnson

The Bride of Christ

When I was about 14 years old, I would say that Jesus is my boyfriend. I don’t know why I said it, and later I’d cringe whenever someone reminded me of this. Now, 7 years later, here I am claiming Him as my husband. The difference now, though, is that I will never cringe at this and I understand the significance in seeing God this way.

A wise person once told me that our relationship with God is reflected in our earthly relationships. I know this to be true because throughout the bible Christ has different titles. He is our Father, our friend, our boss, our shepherd, and the list goes on. He often used relationships as a representation of what He is like. Marriage is one example. “husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it” (Ephesians 5:25).

When it comes to relationships today, there is a lot of emphasis on using dating or being in a relationship to prepare and work towards marriage. Since our relationship with God is reflected in our earthly relationships, I believe that the best way to prepare for marriage or a relationship is to focus on a relationship with Christ. For this topic, specifically, being the best bride you can be to Christ. In Matthew 6:33, he says to seek the kingdom of God first. This means to be more concerned with spiritual matters and salvation than earthly things that won’t even last. When we do this, everything else falls in place (all these things will be added unto you). If you are faithful to God, you can be faithful in a relationship. If you submit to God, you can submit to your husband. If you know how to love God, you can love in your relationships. The concept is that when you’re faithful in one thing, He blesses you with another. (Matthew 25:23).

be the best bride you can be to Christ - quote

How this thinking has had an impact on me

Seeing Christ as my husband transformed my walk with Him. I wanted to love and obey Him more. It motivated me to want to talk to Him every day and listen for His voice. It also helped me put my desire for a relationship in perspective. Christ is the best boyfriend/husband I could ever have and no human on this earth can top Him. Therefore, I embrace this time that I have with and for Him. When I think of myself as Christ’s bride, I find my worth because I, Brianna Johnson— imperfect and prone to many mistakes— am loved unconditionally by a perfect God. He doesn’t walk away from me because of my flaws. Instead, he sticks with me and teaches me how to be better because I’m that valuable to Him. So are you, sis. Focus on Him and, I promise you won’t regret it.

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